Saturday, March 9, 2024

Class at Kenyon University on Hindu and Jewish mysticism shows growing interest in the crossover of the two faiths, the coming Judeo-Hindu spirituality that will operate on Noahidism

 See Table Of Contents 

There are so many people interested in the connection between Hindu and Jewish mysticism these days (hereherehere, and here) that now Kenyon University has a course on the connection between the two.  Vedanta and Kabbalah are uniting in a dark spirituality that will be used to entice the Non-Jews into the Noahide Laws.


1 comment:

Hindu Judeo-Freemasonry - Table of Contents

The blog is a prediction and documentation of the future Rabbinical-Brahmical, Talmudic-Vedic, Kabbalistic-Vedantic and altogether Noahide-F...