Thursday, October 10, 2024

Interview with a Hindu-Noahide, Noahide Brah, @meditationmonke on X

 See Table Of Contents 

See The Recording On X

Today I interviewed Noahide Brah on X (@Meditationmonke).  He is a Noahide-Hindu practitioner.  The recording on the X space is above and (here). So here are some of the takehome points of the interview:

  • Hinduism is polytheism but not idolatry because Hinduism believes in only one creator god, the other gods that Hindus pray to are non-creator gods, and since the Torah says there are other gods besides the One God, it is acceptable to pray to other gods as long as you know they are not the creator deity. Mental polytheism is not as big a problem as physical representations of god. 
  • Vedanta non-duality is kind of monotheism. 
  • In Hinduism, panentheism is the rule, god is both inside and outside space-time, but god is more full outside space-time, in reality, god only represents consciousness but not matter, god is not taking physical shape. God does not inhabit the murti (Hindu version of an idol).  
  • Hinduism did not use murtis in the beginning.  There were no Hindus temples or murti puja until 2000 years ago. Prior to the rise of Buddhism Hindus did not use idols, they only did fire sacrifice. Denies Puranas and anything written after 600 BC, accepts Samhita; says rejection of modern texts is acceptable to Hindus. 
  • Noahides are obligated to set up courts prior to the Messianic Age of Judaism. 
  • Vedanta and Kabbalah have cross-over. 
  • Zionism was predicted in Isiah 66:8 and came to fruition in 1948. 
  • The 2008 declaration by the Chief Rabbis of Israel making Hinduism Noahide monotheism was significant for Hinduism and deepened the relationship between Hindutva and Zionism which was only based on politics and was shallow. 
  • In the next 50 to  60 years he predicts 100-200 million Noahide-Hindus in India. 
  • Noahides experience no negative pushback from Hindus in India. 
  • Arya Samaj are the closest thing to Noahide Hinduism. 
  • Doesn't celebrate any Hindu holidays as it aids idol worship. 
  • Mother is Hindu but he asks her not to pray to idols for him and has rejected his inheritance rights because he may not take wealth from an idolater. 
  • The Jewish Messianic Age correlates with the Satya Yuga.
  • Thinks Muslims and Hindus need to align under Noahide somehow. 
  • Expects greater cooperation between  India and Israel in the near future. 
People think Hinduism and Noahidism have nothing in common, but more and more Hindus are seeing there are similarities and the potential for Hindusim be enter the Noahide fold, making Hindus a new persecutor class on the earth. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As long as the Sanhedrin is not restored, Judaism is not an organised religion. Therefore anything individual rabbis say lacks legitimacy.


Hindu Judeo-Freemasonry - Table of Contents

The blog is a prediction and documentation of the future Rabbinical-Brahmical, Talmudic-Vedic, Kabbalistic-Vedantic and altogether Noahide-F...