Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Prediction: Jews are setting up a Hindu-Christian alliance to support Zionism. Hindu Community Relations Council (HCRC) joins Jews to take over Christmas day community activities so Christians can stay at home. Since Oct. 7th, Jews lost their Muslim volunteers. HCRC built on Jewish Community Relations Council.

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Jews in Detroit have traditionally come in to work community holiday shifts on Christmas day so that Christians can stay  at home.  The Jews usuallyy have the Muslims helping them but since Oct. 7th the Muslims have stopped volunteering. In comes the Hindus to replace them. The Hindu Community Relations Council (HCRC) was built after the Jewish Community Relations Council and is now sending in Hindu volunteers to work with the Jews on Christmas day so Christian community leaders can stay at home. The Hindus can't do anything on their own and always look to the Jews for advice and  support in creating their own organizations which they link with their Jewish founding groups. First, we can see Jews are losing support eveywhere, but the lack is being made up by the incoming Hindu population who are more than willing to do the work to uphold Jewish supremacy worldwide. Second, as we have been seeing on this blog, Jews are trying to ease tensions between Hindu Zionists and Christian Zionists so that the two can work together for Jewish interests. Muslims are no longer useful to Jews, bringing them to the West has backfired, now the Jews are using the Hindus who are willing pawns to play political and spiritual chess.  These good deeds are a strategy of manipulation, not genuine care for others. Jews are fermenting a Christian-Hindu Alliance that supports Israel blindly. 


Jewish, Hindu volunteers prepare food and deliver gifts on Mitzvah Day

Story by JC Reindl, Detroit Free Press

The staff at Cass Community Social Services in Detroit need to serve hundreds of meals every day — holidays included — for families and individuals experiencing homelessness or poverty.

Thanks to generosity from members of metro Detroit's Jewish and Hindu communities, they were able to spend Christmas Day at home with their own families, while Cass Community's clients could sit down to some of the best meals of their year.

"We are thankful and grateful," said Tiffany Potter, 42, who with her 8-year-old son, Cash Howse, enjoyed a free hot breakfast prepared Monday morning at Cass Community's family shelter. "We probably couldn’t do it without the people volunteering.”

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Now in its 27th year, Mitzvah Day is an annual Jewish-led event in which volunteers of various faiths come together to help area nonprofits celebrate Christmas. Mitzvah is a word for good deed in Hebrew.

More than 500 volunteers from the Jewish and Hindu communities worked Monday at 10 locations across the region preparing group meals, delivering toys to children and spending time with seniors and the homebound.

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The Rev. Faith Fowler, executive director of Cass Community Social Services, said the help that Mitzvah Day volunteers provide each year to her nonprofit organization is deeply appreciated.

The volunteers in Cass Community's kitchen were joined by members of the First United Methodist Church of Saline, who donated the chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, greens and dessert pies that were on the menu for Christmas Day lunch.

“This allows us to give the staff the day off," Fowler said. "They work hard all year long — 700,000 meals a year out of this kitchen — so this is the one day we know we can count on partners in faith to come in and give them a break.”

Nancy Welber Barr, a vice president of the Jewish Community Relations Council/AJC, was among those volunteering in the kitchen and dining room.

She explained how in the Jewish faith "mitzvah" is also a commandment, "so we are commanded to do these good deeds. And we take it upon us where we have a day off on a holiday that we don’t celebrate, to help others celebrate their holiday.”

While past Mitzvah Days have included volunteers from the Muslim community, that wasn't the case this year.

The Israeli-Hamas conflict that erupted Oct. 7 has been a source of tension locally and around the globe.

"We often have the Muslim community join us," Welber Barr said. "Obviously it’s very difficult right now. So it’s not that we didn’t invite them, but certainly we understand if they’re hesitant."

Nasy Sankagiri, president of the Hindu Community Relations Council or HCRC, was also there in the kitchen Monday morning, working the meal prep line alongside his Jewish and Christian brothers and sisters.

He said HCRC was started just three years ago and modeled upon the Jewish Community Relations Council and all of the good volunteer work that they have done over many years. That is why he and other Hindus opted to spend Christmas Day volunteering.

"What better way than to work with them and go help,” Sankagiri said.

Contact JC Reindl: 313-222-6631 or jcreindl@freepress.com. Follow him on X @jcreindl

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Jewish, Hindu volunteers prepare food and deliver gifts on Mitzvah Day

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