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Today I interviewed @MilkTriceps on X, a Hindu-Noahide practitioner. He is yet another disciple of Noahide Brah (@MeditationMonke on X), a Hindu-Noahide mini prophet who I interviewed (here). Below is a link to the interview plus a summary of what was discussed. Hindu-Noahidism is real and growing and poses a threat to global stability.
Listen To The Interview Here
Another interview with a Hindu Noahide - @MilkTriceps on X
- Has been a Hindu-Noahide since 2021.
- Raised Arya Samaj so never did Murti Puja and did not need to give it up.
- Taught by Noahide Brah on X (@MeditationMonke)
- Calls himself a "Hindu" still because he does not want to be labeled a Jew.
- Is a confessed anti-Semite.
- Does not like the way Israel treats Palestine.
- Feels Jews don't follow their own religious laws.
- Feels Jews are backstabbers.
- Doesn't like any Jews, religious or secular.
- Will never convert to Judaism.
- Likes the Noahides laws because they are simple, inclusive, and monotheism.
- Feels his Noahide conversion might be a "cope".
- Does not like that Noahidism is connected to Jews.
- Used to be a Zionist but is no longer.
- Has had personal bad experiences with Jews which led to his anti-Zionism.
- His anti-Zionism has nothing to do with prophecy.
- Never spoke to a Rabbi.
- Does not read Jewish sources on Noahide.
- Agrees to the single witness rule in Noahidism.
- Did not become Muslim because he wanted higher status, but agrees with most parts of Islam.
- Wants to maintain his Hinduness.
- Believes the Vedas came from god and preach monotheism.
- Vedanta is compatible with Noahidism.
- Has no interaction with Kabbalah.
- Is anti-abortion but is aware that Noahide Law allows abortion until 40 days, says would allow abortion up to 16 weeks.
- Agrees with the Noahide death penalty.
- Encourages Hindus to give up Murti Puja.
- Noahidism cannot bring together Hinduism and Islam.
- Doesn't like Jews running Noahide schools in India.
- Wants Noahides to run their own communities, not Jews.
- Left Arya Samaj because it has been taken over by Jatt "savages".
- Not vegetarian.
- Likes the codification of rules and laws under Noahide.
- Think Hind-Noahidism will remain a small movement.
- Believes in caste system with modifications.
- Wishes for an elite class of Hindu-Noahides to rule society but does not think it is possible.
- Wanted to keep his standing in the Hindu community while remaining a monotheist and so became Noahide because becoming a Muslim would lose him status with Hindus.