Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Hindu Judeo-Freemasonry - Table of Contents

The blog is a prediction and documentation of the future Rabbinical-Brahmical, Talmudic-Vedic, Kabbalistic-Vedantic and altogether Noahide-Freemason order that may soon be erected if nothing is done to stop its spread in the West. Hindus and India are in an unholy alliance with the Jews and Israel to subvert this earth into a Hindu-Noahide dystopia where humans will be arranged into a Noahide caste system where usefulness and subservience to the Jews determines how high you rank, with Hindus being at the top above even Freemasons, then Muslims, then Christians and finally European pagans (polytheists) right at the very bottom. Here will be documented the profane union between Indian Hinduism and the powers of Judeo-Freemasonry to subvert the earth entire, and especially the White race. 

Another Jew seeks to unite Tantra and Kabbalah - they are creating a toxic spiritual Hindu-Noahide brew



Book Club

Book Club 1 - Same God, Other God: Judaism, Hinduism, and the Problem of Idolatry by Alon Goshen-Gottstein 

Another interview with a Hindu Noahide - @MilkTriceps on X

 See Table Of Contents 

Today I interviewed @MilkTriceps on X, a Hindu-Noahide practitioner.  He is yet another disciple of Noahide Brah (@MeditationMonke on X), a Hindu-Noahide mini prophet who I interviewed (here). Below is a link to the interview plus a summary of what was discussed.  Hindu-Noahidism is real and growing and poses a threat to global stability. 

Listen To The Interview Here
Another interview with a Hindu Noahide -  @MilkTriceps on X


  • Has been a Hindu-Noahide since 2021. 
  • Raised Arya Samaj so never did Murti Puja and did not need to give it up. 
  • Taught by Noahide Brah on X (@MeditationMonke)
  • Calls himself a "Hindu" still because he does not want to be labeled a Jew. 
  • Is a confessed anti-Semite.
  • Does not like the way Israel treats Palestine. 
  • Feels Jews don't follow their own religious laws. 
  • Feels Jews are backstabbers. 
  • Doesn't like any Jews, religious or secular. 
  • Will never convert to Judaism. 
  • Likes the Noahides laws because they are simple, inclusive, and monotheism. 
  • Feels his Noahide conversion might be a "cope". 
  • Does not like that Noahidism is connected to Jews. 
  • Used to be a Zionist but is no longer. 
  • Has had personal bad experiences with Jews which led to his anti-Zionism. 
  • His anti-Zionism has nothing to do with prophecy.
  • Never spoke to a Rabbi.
  • Does not read Jewish sources on Noahide. 
  • Agrees to the single witness rule in Noahidism. 
  • Did not become Muslim because he wanted higher status, but agrees with most parts of Islam. 
  • Wants to maintain his Hinduness.
  • Believes the Vedas came from god and preach monotheism. 
  • Vedanta is compatible with Noahidism. 
  • Has no interaction with Kabbalah.  
  • Is anti-abortion but is aware that Noahide Law allows abortion until 40 days, says would allow abortion up to 16 weeks. 
  • Agrees with the Noahide death penalty.  
  • Encourages Hindus to give up Murti Puja. 
  • Noahidism cannot bring together Hinduism and Islam. 
  • Doesn't like Jews running Noahide schools in India. 
  • Wants Noahides to run their own communities, not Jews. 
  • Left Arya Samaj because it has been taken over by Jatt "savages".
  • Not vegetarian. 
  • Likes the codification of rules and laws under Noahide. 
  • Think Hind-Noahidism will remain a small movement. 
  • Believes in caste system with modifications. 
  • Wishes for an elite class of Hindu-Noahides to rule society but does not think it is possible.  
  • Wanted to keep his standing in the Hindu community while remaining a monotheist and so became Noahide because becoming a Muslim would lose him status with Hindus. 

Hindu Judeo-Freemasonry - Table of Contents

The blog is a prediction and documentation of the future Rabbinical-Brahmical, Talmudic-Vedic, Kabbalistic-Vedantic and altogether Noahide-F...